Welcome to Magical Spirits!


Working alongside my daughters, Susie and Carolyn, is a dream come true. Integrity, honesty, and loyalty  are values that we embrace in our family and in our business.  We look forward to working with you. 

Artie Foss, President, Magical Spirits, Inc.


Who Are We

Our boutique portfolio is a curated selection of distillers committed to the production of small batch spirits.

Our Mission

As your brand ambassadors, our mission is to promote and sell your exquisitely crafted spirits.

What We Do

My daughters and I specialize in the sales, marketing, importing, and creation of Magical Spirits.

Magical Spirits Builds Brands Six Ways



We’re the magical bond between our distillers and distributers. We value and cherish our relationships.



We personally place your brand into the hands of buyers at national trade shows ( minimum 6 per year ).



Now, more than ever, people listen to product recommendations from someone they know and trust.



We always strive to align ourselves with distributers who will move your product.



100% Transparency. In our words. In our actions. Always.



Committing to one brand per spirit category eliminates internal competition. We have your back.

Why Choose Magical Spirits?

Because I love selling. And you probably don’t. 

If you’re passionate about distilling fine crafted spirits but the thought of selling leaves you cold, email me. Selling my Magical Spirits is the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about when my head hits the pillow.I’m pretty sure I dream about selling, too.

No one wants to tell you this but it’s a brutal business. It takes drive, perseverance, and passion to grow a brand in today’s competitive marketplace. 

So if anything you’ve read here strikes a chord, shoot me an email with your phone number and I’ll call you back. I look forward to tasting your Magical Spirits.

Artie Foss  Founder/President